Colombia has one of the most structured audiovisual production policies in Latin America. Law 1556, which is part of the legislation for the audiovisual industry, has two incentives, the Colombia Film Fund (FFC) and the Audiovisual Investment Certificates (CINA), which promote Colombia as a destination for the production of films, series, music videos, video games, and audiovisual production for advertising. So far, this law has benefited 134 projects from 15 countries, attracting 78 production companies and more than US$499 million in investment to our country.
The FFC has benefited 49 national and foreign projects with a projected investment of COP 289 billion / USD 64 million in Colombia. Some of the productions that have received this cash rebate are: “The 33”; “The Lost City of Z”; “Kill Chain”; “Running with the Devil”; “Mile 22”; “Belleville Cop”; “Long Shot”; “Gemini Man”; “Jungle'”; “Loving Pablo”; “Memoria”; “The Boy”; “The Padre”; “American Made”; “Sniper 7”; “Blunt Force Trauma”; “Narcos”; “The Long Game”; “Ambush”; “Tomorrow Before After” and “What You Wish For”; among others.

In the case of the CINA, 85 international projects have benefited with a projected investment of 1.95 billion COP / 435 million USD. Some of the productions that have received tax certificates are: “The Morning Show”; “Malayerba”; “El grito de las mariposas”; “La reina del sur 3”; “Chichipatos”; “Juanpis González”; “Ritmo salvaje”; “Echo 3”; “La ley de la selva”; “Reputación dudosa”; “Pasión de gavilanes”; “A grito herido”; “Cochina envidia”; “Gospel”; “The Marked Heart” 1 and 2; “Primate” 1 and 2; “Eva Lasting”; “Cien años de soledad” and “Los iniciados”; among others.

From 2013 to 2022, the projects benefiting from the FFC reported contracting 76,400 hotel nights and purchasing 6,600 airline tickets from Colombian agencies. From the beginning of the CINA in the second half of 2020 until December 2022, the beneficiary projects have contracted 142,600 hotel nights and purchased 5,500 airline tickets from Colombian agencies. It is worth mentioning that the FFC has created 28,800 direct jobs and 8,200 indirect jobs. The CINA have created 38,000 direct jobs and 38,600 indirect jobs.