Film projects can apply for an authorization to shoot in Colombia issued by the Film Directorate at the Ministry of Culture.
If it is a non-cinematographic audiovisual work, the public institutions of the country may request a concept from Proimágenes Colombia with respect to the relevance of the project. This is not a recording permit nor does it exempt producers from procedures with city halls or relevant institutions; it simply facilitates the procedure with the institutions that grant the permit.
Local permits
All permits for shooting in the public space must be requested from and issued by through the government institutions of the city or municipality where the shooting will take place.

Shooting again in Colombia
After the national government gave free reign to the reactivation of cultural industries in mid-June, the country’s audiovisual sector has been preparing to gradually restart.
Consult the Start Filming in Colombia .
Get to know the for the audiovisual sector.
After the National Government gave the green light to reactivating the so-called cultural industries in mid-June, the country’s audiovisual sector has been preparing to gradually return to “Action!”.
See the document Back to Filming in Colombia and the Infographic.
Learn about the COVID – 19 Biosecurity Protocol for the audiovisual sector.

Permits to shoot in Bogotá’s public space
The Bogotá Film Commission is responsible for granting and managing permits for productions that use the capital city as a location. All procedures must be go through this institution.
Comisión Fílmica de Bogotá, Cinemateca Distrital
Carrera 8 # 15-46 piso 1
Teléfono: (57+1) 3 79 57 50
Ext: 3410, 3409, 3406
Film Commission Advisor:
Unified Permit:
Information to film in Bogotá:

Permits to shoot in Medellín’s public space
This application is generated through the Ventanilla Única de Eventos de la Alcaldía de Medellín that allows the persons responsible for the productions to personally carry out a single procedure for all those public spaces or public use.
This system articulates everything related to the authorisation of use as a location, risk management, mobility permits, police accompaniment, among other requirements. Temporarily, applications on the platform must be filed 7 calendar days in advance, while the unified filming permit (PUFA), whose digital module is currently in the design stage, is being implemented.

National Parks permit
To film, tape or take photographs in nationally protected areas, a request must be filed with the head office of the Special Administrative Unit of the National Natural Park System and the following steps must be taken: A request must be filed at the Environmental Window at Carrera 10 No. 20-30, Mezzanine Level, Bogotá and include the following information:
• The conservation unit or area where the project will take place
• The place or sector where filming will take place
• The type of product being made (documentary, chronicle, research, scenes for series, television soap opera, etc.)
• Name, identification, nationality, residence, address, telephone, fax and function of the person responsible for the group and of all others coming into the park
• Date of entry and exit
• Type of technical equipment to be used • Day and time of filming
• Number and type of vehicles (motorcycle, automobile, truck, taxi, bus, official mini-bus, tourist mini-bus, boat, etc.) A certificate of incorporation and legal representation is required, depending on whether the petitioner is a corporation or company.
When acting on behalf of a third party the power of attorney or authorization must be attached. Self-payment form must be filled out. Receipt of payment corresponding to evaluation and follow-up of project must be presented at the Environmental Window at Carrera 10 No. 20-30, Mezzanine Level, Bogotá. Once a permit is issued the corresponding cost must be deposited; this cost varies depending on project’s duration.
For more information please
Note: Correspondence and requests exchanged by email does not mean the permit process is underway.
More information about National Parks Permits
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia
Calle 74 No. 11-81, Bogota
(57+1) 3532400

Permit for filming or taking aereal photographies with drones
In order to film, shoot, or take aerial photographs with RPAS or drones, it is necessary to apply for a permit from the Civil Aviation Authority (Unidad Administrativa Especial de la Aeronáutica Civil, UAEAC).
Below, you will find a general list of requirements for this permit:
- Private pilot license with ground training.
- Forty prior flight hours and 200 takeoffs and landings, certified by the flight school.
- Identification and registration of the drone.
- Insurance policy for harm to third parties.
- Application with flight plan submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority at least 15 business days beforehand.
- The drone shall have a color allowing it to be easily identified in the air.
The kinds of drones that may not fly in Colombia are those weighing over 25 kilograms and those with metal propellers. In addition, it is not permitted to fly near airports, military and police bases, State institutions such as city and provincial government offices, events with crowds of people, and buildings.
The permitted flight distances are:
- Maximum height: 152 meters.
- Minimum height from an object or person: 50 meters.
- Maximum distance traveled: 750 meters.
More information about the permit for filming or taking aereal photographies with drones
Aeronáutica Civil
Avenida El Dorado No. 103-15, Edificio Central Aerocivil
(57+1) 425 1000 – (57+1) 594 8600

Permits for filming in Arqueological Parks
Generally speaking, authorization to film, record or take photographs in archaeological areas must be requested from the Head Office of the ICANH (COLOMBIAN INSTITUTE OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND HISTORY) located at Calle 12 No. 2-41 in Bogotá.
The following guidelines should be considered:
- Documentaries or video footage taken for scientific purposes or as a means of promoting the country’s anthropological, archaeological, historical and/or ethnographic heritage are permitted in National Archaeological Parks at no cost. However, the filming process MUST be accompanied and supervised by an ICANH representative whose name will appear in the credits of the documentary or video.
- The request for authorization must be completed at least one month prior to filming. Warning: Questions and requests made via email do not signal the start of this process.
- The filming of non-documentary or audiovisual projects in National Archaeological Parks may be considered, depending on the project and the park in question. A request must be filed with the Head Office of the ICANH, specifying details of the project such as subject matter, script, number of days required inside the park, shooting schedule, number of people on crew, type of equipment (heavy or light), etc. ICANH will study the project to determine viability, costs, obligations and restrictions .
For more information please contact:
More information about permits for filming in Arqueological Parks
Avenida Calle 12 No. 2-41, La Candelaria, Bogota
(57+1) 444 0544

Use of weapons and explosives
The Ministry of National Defense, through its Department for the Control of Trade in Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (DCCAE), regulates the use of these materials, which are frequently used as props in audiovisual productions. Therefore, any person or company wishing to use them within the Colombian territory must have the permits granted by this agency.
See the complete document here.