The third season of La Reina del Sur begins four years after the stunning finale of the second season, when Teresa Mendoza (Kate del Castillo), who was enjoying an idyllic life with her daughter, saw her safe haven compromised by the arrival of military forces. Now, Teresa Mendoza faces the most dangerous mission of her life: she will leave everything behind to succeed, even if it means having to burn her throne as La Reina del Sur.
In this third season, stripped of her freedom and once again separated from her beloved daughter, Sofia (Isabella Sierra), Teresa Mendoza finds herself in a high-security prison in the United States for the murder of three DEA agents. After a dramatic escape, Teresa becomes involved in a new and unexpected alliance, risking her life on a journey across Latin America and striking against the DEA in ways no one dared to imagine. The odds of survival are slim. The decision to fight is absolute.
At last, Teresa can glimpse the goal she has longed for: leaving her past behind to clear her name and live a peaceful life alongside her daughter.